Wednesday, April 22, 2015


 Convenience for the beekeeper but not for the bees. 

I really wanted to get on board with this idea, but for me, beekeeping is for them more than for me. Although you are not opening up the entire hive, you are still breaking the comb which they then have to repair every time you extract your honey, and I suspect for lazy beekeepers who just want honey, it will be a novel idea to keep extracting while not actually seeing the stress that it causes inside. I believe it is best to leave them alone and let them do their thing. Making comb is part of their process and I don't think we should mess with it. The less we interfere, I think, the better. 

"It’s the same with chickens! If you put a chicken in a small cage and do not let it move so that all it does is eat and lay…. you get more eggs.
We seem to be deciding as a society, however, that for chickens, ethics may come before profits."

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