Friday, March 20, 2015

the dangers of genetically modified organisms:

gm foods are linked to reproductive, immune system, and digestive disorders and more.

small, organic farms are being contaminated with no recourse. corporations are using their financial and lobbying power to drown out the truth.

honeybees are not the only species being poisoned.

watch seeds of death to find out more:

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Friday, March 13, 2015

Even organic honey in Pennsylvania tested positive for traces of glyphosate. The use of toxic herbicides like Roundup is so widespread, it is virtually impossible to guarantee a contamination-free zone anywhere at this point. Glyphosate has been proven harmful to bees by impairing their ability to properly absorb and assimilate nutrients. In one test, over 30% of bees fed water with glyphosate in it died.

According to Don Huber, who is a micro-nutrient and soils expert, and also former biological weapons expert for the US military: "Glyphosate is probably the most chronically toxic compound that we have ever had in our environment."

This video explains it:

More on the dangers of glyphosate from the 2012 soils conference: